walks and retreats with horses in Pelion, Greece

programs- an invitation to the heart

shepherd walks pelion greece

shepherd walks

These times in history ask for letting the noise of the world pass by every now and then, for being centered in our stillness and finding our wisdom within.
During a shepherd walk we wander through the landscape following the horses on their search for food, like a shepherd with his herd. When they stay in a place some time longer, we sit close by until they move on. These walks are a lovely way to relax, to enjoy the company of and connectedness with the horses, to feel our oneness with nature. We offer the shepherd walks as a three day program from a set overnight address.
Click here for a short impression: shepherd walk
Click here: programma – three day shepherd walk for more information

retreats for individuals and pairs

Imagine a sunny day. You’re sitting in an olive grove. The air is fragrant with wild thyme. A cool breeze blows through your hair and caresses your skin that is still soft and tingling from your morning swim. A little further are grazing horses, just visible above the high golden grasses that dance in the wind. You’re anticipating an evening walk with the horses in the shine of the full moon on the sea.

But for now you let yourself relax into the moment with the horses. They move around freely, finding tasty bites. Every now and then you feel one of them observing you, as you are aware of them. There’s a sense of togetherness, of your being part of the larger herd. Every participant – horse and human – is aware of the connection, of the silent bond made of both wakefulness and relaxation. You take a deep breath and relax further into the stillness of the moment. Just being. Just being.

We organize retreats for individuals and pairs.  For more information and registration: individual retreats.

meditating with horses in Pelion, Greece
horse workshops in pelion, greece

external teachers

I love learning new things. What better way than to have a teacher here in Pilion using our horses in our wonderful holiday surroundings to teach a whole group of people? 

We will organize course weeks ourselves, but we’re also open to suggestions by other teachers. Keywords for the kind of teachings we’re thinking of are holistic medicine, horse massage, experiencing nature, sjamanism, coaching with horses, painting or drawing horses, connecting with horses. If you’re interested in giving a workshop or course here with our horses, please contact us.

other activities

These activities are mainly for residents or tourists who are already here. We will spend three days,  one whole day or half a day with the horses. Organized at request.

  • walking  in connection with horses – one day program
  • meditating with horses – half day program

For further information click here: other activities

walking with horses in Pelion, Greece